Sunday 27 April 2014

2014 FIFA World Cup Cup Brazil

World Cup football meets Carnival atmosphere

Platform: Xbox 360 (demo version)
Genre: Football
Release Date: April 17th 2014
Developer: EA Sports

First Thoughts
The 2014 World Cup is almost upon us and the fun (and disappointment) is fast approaching. So what better way to get the excitement ball rolling with a football tie in made by the masters of sport games EA. 30 minutes this demo has to impress me, while I sit thinking, isn't there a world cup mode on FIFA 2014?

The First 30 Minutes
Menu screens, bright and colorful
"EA Sports, it's in the game!" is screamed with urgency into my ears. You would think by now I would be used to it. Bright vibrant music starts up with the sole purpose of recreating the colorful atmosphere I'm sure this game will bring. Next onto the difficulty setting. I chose beginner as it's been a long time (hey I could have lied here so don't judge me). Title screen is a colorful wash of yellows and greens complete with nice upbeat music. I only have one choice here, straight into a match of England V Brasil, I'm England of course. English commentary pre match, with swooping camera views of the stadium and the outside. Brazil's famous landmark, Christ the Redeemer is clearly seen there in the back round. The build up of excitement is wonderfully created, just like before an important game. The crowds are shown in all their colorful glory, singing and waving flags. Just like as if watching on TV we have the national anthems. Players look good with true likeness. But! Chewing? Why are they all chewing? And two players look like they are having a nervous fit! Glitching like that is a sure fire way to ruin the experience. Okay this has gone on long enough, I know it's like watching it on the TV(minus the glitching) but this isn't TV lets just start already.

So the game starts and it is just business as usual. Controls are easy, nice pick up and play feel about them. The crowds are singing, some are chanting players names, I like that touch. Brazil score, and the crowds go wild, including everyone else, the manager is dancing, replays are everywhere and the cameras go over the audience to show their reaction. Very TV feel about it. 

Brazil's defense just watch my man walk on through, GOAL! Easy. (well it is beginner difficulty). I do like how it shows the fans back home watching in central London. 

I can't shake this feeling that my players feel a bit....wooden. At one point during a bad pass my man just stands still, maybe he saw the glitch ghost? I score again, same thing as before, defense just watched me sail on by. End of time and the score is 2-1. A premonition of things to happen maybe?

What I thought
The sense of occasion is wonderfully created. It really builds up on the excitement. The sounds are amazing, from the roar of the crowds to the "hoof" of the ball being kicked down the other end. EA have really made a magnificent job of creating a football tie in game to the worlds biggest sporting event. But that is where it ends. At the bare bones of it all, it is just a FIFA game and a slightly inferior version to the Fifa 2014. The glitching I experienced was small but it was still there ruining the experience. With that it felt almost rushed, typical of a tie in game. Don't get me wrong this is still a good game with it's beautiful carnival feeling atmosphere. 

Add some beer, some chips (crisps), dip and friends and you have a definite crowd pleaser to play before and after the real games. But come August I doubt many people will be playing offline or online. Short lived in other words.

Was I impressed? Yes. Would I buy it or recommend it? No. FIFA 2014 already has a World Cup mode or at least a customisable trophy mode, complete with more football clubs and cups. Apart from the fact this will be a part of this years World Cup event, I believe this is a waste of money when you can have everything and more in FIFA 2014, and I think it plays a bit better but that's just my opinion. 

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