Sunday 20 April 2014


Game: Skyrim
Platform: Xbox 360
Genre: RPG
What's on the box?: "Epic fantasy reborn", is what greets me when I turn the box around, big words to live up to. Not much going on, on the front however. Plus a whole load of awards. I can't help but feel that the developers are a bit too over confident maybe? Anyway lets spin this disc and see what happens.

 The First 30 Minutes (or so)

Loading.... Still loading...At least I have a cool model dragon and some text I don't understand to keep me company. Black and white logo screen accompanied with choir sounding soundtrack. Very medieval sounding. I feel somewhat relaxed, even peaceful, but ready to go.
So it starts, black screen fade into daylight like waking from a dream, very cool effect if not cliched. As I look at the flaky looking people and the scenery the words "Skyrim" appears. Epic feel indeed especially with the soundtrack. Very impressive level of detail, the forest feels alive creating a dark, mysterious atmosphere. I feel like I am in a strange new land, that has existed before I stepped in.

People on the horse drawn cart are talking, think me (character) is a criminal and is going to be executed. I'm sure it wont happen though. But the line from just about every movie ever made, "I have a bad feeling about this", comes to mind.
Arrive at a village , now it feels very old as in the era. I almost feel like I'm in the history recreation channel. Grey stones, wood houses and horses are abound.

Character creation time, complete with a name. I try not to spend too long here. Warrior, mage or ugly troll like weirdo? I go for a female human warrior. Head on the block... I'm sure something is about to happen, I can feel it.

Dragon! Now it starts. Panic. Which way? I feel confused and slightly overwhelmed. Not even enough time to enjoy the scenery and the nature. And so starts a kind of training mode. Running, jumping picking things up. I have to follow this other character who was on the trailer earlier with me. I love how even though this is the fifth game in the series, the developers take care of the beginners with a nice training mode. It's nice to have your hand held at the beginning.
 Fire is everywhere and the screen is a blur, and I just need to stay close to this character. I can feel my heart racing, I want to get through this. Will I have to fight that dragon? The questions, and the actions make me march on through. After some time we escape the now burned village, and my friend says we should split up. Finally now I can stop to literately smell the roses. The level of detail is astonishing. Grass, trees, flowers birds and animals feel so alive. And the now calming peaceful soundtrack is incredibly fitting to the drama that just happened.
A look at the map tells me "I'm going to be here a long time exploring this place".... And where to go next, because otherwise I would be very very confused.

What I think?:
As far as an introduction goes, this game delivers. You got the suspense at the beginning, a kind of back story, and then a dragon attack, simple introduction tactics. To be honest nothing out of the ordinary happens, nothing surprising, but that's not a bad thing. It's also worth mentioning that the game does a good job of holding your hand at the beginning to avoid feeling too overwhelmed.
However I was a little disappointed with the fact my character has no voice. That will take some getting used to. But that is a very small thing compared to the feeling this game creates.
The true vastness of this game makes it more then worth the price of admission, with so much to see and explore you will feel guilty thinking you are leading a double life. Easily this hooks me from the beginning and I think anyone else would be to.

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